58: Choosing the Triggers We Use [Rebranding Trauma Therapy Series] art brainspotting emdr triggers Aug 14, 2023


The way we’ve been talking about triggers is an incomplete conversation and it’s time to change that. The more information you have about what triggers you will help inside trauma therapy and help create adaptive material to help with trauma.

Here’s where we need to...

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56. Rewriting and Replacing Adaptations [Rebranding Trauma Therapy Series] adaptations art brainspotting emdr Jul 31, 2023


Adaptations are all things we created in response to something we learned in life, often during a traumatic experience. Whether that experience happened in childhood or as adults, we learned how to cope and feel safe. And those adaptations perform a positive function, whether...

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55. Weโ€™re Always Ready for Trauma Therapy [Rebranding Trauma Therapy Series] art brainspotting emdr Jul 29, 2023


While every therapist has their own methods and systems for working with clients, one of the most harmful things they can say to a client is, “You’re not ready for trauma therapy.” Especially when there’s no explanation or plan for getting the client...

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