EMDR for Depression

The true definition (and outcomes) of depression goes far beyond what we typically think of: someone pulling away from loved ones, extreme sadness, maybe even feeling suicidal.

But the truth is that depression is often a symptom of trauma, and can manifest in individuals in so many different ways. It may be a collapse after extreme anxiety that we may not even notice because weā€™ve normalized living life at a high cadence. When we crash into depression, we may feel safe because we learned that thereā€™s safety in that. However, we may not recognize this initially because that learning happened in a pre-verbal stage, before we can even remember.

Because we want to rewrite what weā€™ve learned and decided so we can feel better, because we want to heal from past trauma, EMDR is an amazing therapeutic option for people who suffer from depression and hopelessness.

This week on the podcast, Iā€™m sharing what happens in our bodies and minds when we experience early trauma, why depression and anxiety are so linked, why there might be a medical reason for some depression, and how depression can actually feel safe for some of us.

There are so many options available for people who feel depressed, especially in the winter months. EMDR is just one of the tools that can help. I urge anyone who feels an overwhelming sense of helplessness and withdrawal to seek out professional help.


When something traumatic happens to us, it can be healing to have a therapist listen to and/or validate our horrible experience, especially if no one else has before. However, rehashing the details of that traumatic event can be retraumatizing. Brain-based therapies like EMDR teach us that we don't have to talk about the trauma or the details if we don't want to because the real healing doesn't focus on the traumatic event itself.

The Zero Disturbance podcast is for educational purposes and is not a replacement for a therapeutic relationship or individualized mental health or medical care.

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With a Masters in Education from Vanderbilt, Kambria has been creating trainings and teaching adult learners for over 20 years. As the Director of Education and Quality Improvement at Stanford Medical School, she created ease in complex systems, thereby giving medical trainees successful learning experiences. Now, as a dedicated mom, therapist, and EMDR Consultant, Kambria knows what it means to do things efficiently, effectively, and in a learner-centered way. When she isn't podcasting or creating online courses, you can find Kambria playing with her twins on a beach in California.