Since 2018, we've guided hundreds of therapists all over the world in establishing successful, high-value intensive programs.
It's high time that all trauma-informed therapists get in on the action and experience real freedom.
If you're already a trauma-informed therapist, you can design and launch intensive therapy offerings in your practice.
Let us show you how to create this high-value offering that gives you more space, time, and choice in your practice.
The Intensive Kit Bundle is the ONLY customizable and comprehensive kit with:
Click the above images to learn more and read real testimonials from satisfied customers
Be part of the proven business results
The majority of respondents who trained with Kambria to set up intensives are not only satisfied (overall rating of 5/5 for excellent training quality), they also have already booked intensive clients!
We have intensive programs established in Australia, Germany, New Zealand, Ireland, Canada, England, Maryland, Louisiana, California, Maryland, Nevada, Ohio, Missouri, Kansas, Washington, Texas, Florida, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Michigan, Arizona, New York, Oklahoma, Vermont, Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia, Oregon and Colorado.
Bring this high-demand service to your area!
"You are not going to believe this! I’ve already got 4 EMDR Intensives set up through the end of September. I’ve already completed one, which went great, and the client will continue."
- Norine
"I watched the bonus module on switching your practice over and taking baby steps. Your energy, confidence, and direct style infected me. I have a “frame” now for morphing my schedule. Doing this today...putting a big toe in the water...has given me a positive feeling state about changing things that balances the “Oh, how do I switch over? How do I do this?”. I did a baby step toward the full model and have data that persons immediately agree and grab the appointment. Thank you so much for your videos and being who you are!"
- Leanne
"I had no idea how to implement intensive EMDR sessions into my practice. I also felt intimidated and worried that no one would want to participate in a long session and that no one would pay for it. I never took any steps toward making my intensive program happen; it felt too daunting to figure it out. This kit gave me tangible tools and guidance that I needed to get the ball rolling. I have been able to take the framework offered and make it into my own in my practice. I know that as I adapt things in the future I can rely back on this as a framework. After I booked and completed my first intensive session, I felt inspired like never before in my practice. I was SO excited! I can confidently offer EMDR intensive programs to prospective clients. My programs will evolve with my experience, but I know that I can continue to come back to the framework from the kit as needed.”
- Jennifer
Help people and build wealth
We didn’t come to play. We take your financial success and well-being seriously.
As we see it, intensives are a high-value service in your practice. It's time to price them as such.
You can help others and create wealth of time, finances, and choice for you. With this Kit, you're choosing to live in an intentional business model that serves you first.
"Relatable, knowledgeable, insightful, bite size and motivating as I am recreating my business model as we speak. The time is now for me to allow these shifts to happen and I am so very grateful to Kambria for sharing her knowledge, insight and process."
- Pia
"I've been in the mental health field for almost 30 years. This is the first time I've heard a discussion about 'all things money.' Thanks for the paradigm shift!"
- Anita
"You saved me with your great lecture and guidance on MONEY! I feel so much more confident and sure of my rate going forward. And I'm still learning and have a long ways to go, but that's ok. I am benefiting and changed by your direct, down to earth advice about using a business model, figuring out how to price it, remembering that I am the essence and how I feel is central- all of it is so super helpful and practical to me! You've helped me actually do this! Thank you for sharing your skill and talents, and deciding to make the kit. SO many therapists and clients will benefit."
- Victoria
Think for yourself using Stanford design principles
This isn’t just a handful of conceptual videos mirrored from a pre-existing program; it's translated research to applied practice. This kit helps you create a model that works for you based on your existing level of clinical competence and confidence, and data collected from your practice.
You'll learn how to use data for evolution and quality improvement as you offer intensives.
And, as for the other stuff, there's no need to reinvent the wheel. With The Launch Pack, get templates and copy for your website design, marketing materials, client emails and client proposals to get started immediately. Save time for data collection and quality improvement as you leave the rest to us.
"I LOVE the intensive kit!! So much of all the questions I have had for years, trying to get some answers, all rolled up in this package. Bringing us through this growth professionally and in such an amazing humanistic way, sharing is caring. So much value that resonates with our experiences as clinicians as well as wearing multiple hats in our lives."
- Pia
"The pricing strategies for intensives was very helpful. The website info for intensives made it easier to get started. Excellent quality!"
- Carol
"The Kit was so helpful in getting me thinking of redesigning a business plan that fits my values and reasons for starting a business in the first place! Honestly all of the information was very helpful considering there is nothing else like this on the market. I really liked that I oftentimes felt my head nodding in agreement to your videos --haha."
- Jenna
"The videos were extremely helpful because your personality and confidence were on display. Love your genuine smile, upbeat voice, and ability to present the material so smoothly. I did feel you answered questions the listener may be thinking while viewing each section. I do believe the hand outs following the video presentation so succinctly were fantastic. Appreciate there was NO powerpoint. I was able to make a notebook of the hand out for each section and study along. The plan was comprehensive and touched upon all aspects of getting started."
- Leanne
"I recently stumbled upon your resources and have been blown away by your wealth of information! I just finished the Rate and Client Proposals module. So far, everything has been straight forward and presented in a clear and concise manner. Thank you so much for this offering--truly so helpful! I must say, you have a true skill for teaching and connecting with people via this virtual platform--such a gift! You truly have a gift and I couldn't be more grateful that you are sharing it with me!"
- Laura
“The kit is set up in small parts so that it is not overwhelming to put the principles into practice. Plus, Kambria includes so many resources that make taking action much easier. Once I followed the suggestions about getting the word out to other clinicians as well as the public, I started getting more interest in scheduling Intensives to the point I had to rethink how much time I allotted for Intensives vs standard therapy on my calendar! Now that I'm getting traction with this arm of my business, I am planning more time off over the next two years. I am also adding additional contractors to my practice. I'm actively building the practice of my dreams.”
- Cassie
Brand your intensive program
As we see more clinicians offering intensives, it's crucial to learn how to differentiate your program from others. Learn the why and how when it comes to branding your intensive program with innovative products for your clients.
We know that real success comes from making your own intensive program so get the only customizable intensive kit on the market. We offer you several models and formats to inspire you as you customize your intensive program that works best for you and flexes with each client.
"I absolutely loved it! I am reviewing and going back over some of the videos because there is so much gold. I can't thank you enough! I started to offer an intensive before getting your program, after listening to a different training. Thumbs down on that after receiving yours!"
- Victoria
"A LOT of gratitude for all these materials. I enrolled in a similar sounding course for a similar amount of money and it was so thin compared to this. What you’re doing and providing is a real gift - thank you!"
- Martha
"Love the program. VERY good!! I just love your openness and generosity in sharing your experience and giving us all of your thoughts (and templates). I'm doing another program about EMDR intensives. It's very interesting, but your program is much more customizable and customized and answers more of my questions. One aspect I really do appreciate are the relatively short videos - and they include everything I was interested in."
- Claudia
Ongoing, six-figure support
Don't get lost in another chaotic FaceBook group again. You deserve better than that. Get expert support from someone who has successfully transformed her own clinical practice with intensives, and get support in a way that makes sense for you.
- Give direct feedback. As you work your way through The Kit, share feedback on whats helpful and what's missing. This feedback is used to make the bonus content for you.
The Intensive Kit Bundle details:
Your comprehensive guide & business plan, from start to finish
Introductory Module an introduction to intensives + assessment quiz to inform your learning plan
Day 1-4 Modules helpful mix of audio and video lessons, with downloads, that guide you along in your four-day intensive program launch
Day 1: Marketing
Day 2: Intensive Program Design
Day 3: Intensive Rates and Client Proposals
Day 4: Experiment and Launch
The Launch Pack a comprehensive bundle of templates and done-for-you copy for your website design, marketing materials, client emails and proposals, a clear guide and road map, and an intensive program launch checklist to get started immediately
7 Bonus Modules informed by real questions from real customers
1. Intensives vs. working intensively
2. Marketing & adjunct therapy
3. Redesign your practice schedule
4. How to convert clients for intensives & how to be with our fear
5. How to collect payment and set up "defenders"
6. Intensives, billing codes, and insurance
7. Branding guide

Meet Kambria Evans, your six-figure support and expert guide.
Kambria can offer you:
Years of intensive expertise (in-person, virtually, pre-COVID, in COVID)
Impactful, learner-centered teaching methodology from Stanford
Proven financial success and leadership in our field
The Intensive Consultant who's been there, done that, and heard it all when it comes to intensives
Kambria Evans is an EMDR Consultant who offers only intensives in her private practice in San Jose, CA. She's been designing intensives since 2018, virtually and in-person, with clients from in and out of state. After designing over 150 intensives for her own clients, as well as guiding hundreds of therapists with their own intensive clients, she truly is the expert in designing high-value, client and clinician-centered intensives.
The Intensive Consultant who's got the teaching & learning background to deliver results
With a Masters in Education from Vanderbilt, Kambria has been creating trainings and teaching adult learners for 20 years. As Director of Education and Quality Improvement at Stanford Medical School, her job was to decomplicate and consolidate complex systems and topics, thereby giving medical trainees successful learning experiences. The courses she created were published in 14 peer-reviewed medical and educational journals such as Academic Psychiatry, British Medical Journal, and Academic Medicine to serve as a model for other institutions around the world.
Now, as a busy mom of twins, dedicated business owner, and EMDRIA Approved Consultant, Kambria knows what it means to do things efficiently, effectively, and in a learner-centered way.
The Intensive Consultant who pulls back the curtain and shares how she reached success
Stanford and Vanderbilt relied on Kambria to translate research into practice and now, her own businesses rely on her to do the same. Both Zero Disturbance and Kambria Evans Psychotherapy are multiple six-figure businesses. Let Kambria's proven, 20 year standard of excellence be paramount in supporting you.