Meet The Consultation Program Faculty

Learn about who they are, their consultation expertise, and how to schedule individual consultation services.

Cheryl Arutt, Psy.D.
EMDRIA Approved Consultant

EMDRIA Approved Consultant, Clinical & Forensic Psychologist

After EMDR training in 2010, I've been a vocal advocate of EMDR. I discovered Kambria during the pandemic, and found her warmth and wisdom to be a breath of fresh air. I'd felt isolated in my EMDR practice, and really found a special sense of support and community when I joined the very first cohort of The Consultation Program here at Zero Disturbance in 2021. I've learned so much here with these wonderful and supportive people, and now I’m delighted to join the faculty. Nothing is more satisfying to me than seeing people grow more confident and take steps they weren't sure they could, and the compassion and integrity in this group is truly remarkable.

 I'm a clinical and forensic psychologist with more than 25 years of experience in private practice specializing in trauma recovery and creativity. I love to integrate relationally-focused EMDR with what I learn from advanced training in complex & developmental trauma, attachment theory, neuroscience, Polyvagal Theory, ego states, psychodynamic, object relations & “parts work” to support creative people, performers and entrepreneurs. I work with sexual abuse survivors and people who want to create an inner sense of sanctuary and safety while still visiting those edgy places in their creative work. I provide consultation to organizations & to other EMDR therapists who want to feel more confident and supported as they learn, where making mistakes and trying experiments is OK, and where we all strive for excellence rather than perfection. I do a lot of speaking about creativity, post-traumatic growth, creative artist issues and the benefits of EMDR therapy on national media and internationally at conferences, on podcasts, as a TEDx speaker, and on TV.

Reach out if you'd like to schedule individual consultation about specific cases, clinical decision making, such as how and when to modify the Standard Protocol with complex and developmental trauma, how you're structuring your practice, and even tips for making the most of speaking and media opportunities. As a forensic psychologist, I also consult about special issues pertaining to clients seeking EMDR who disclose they are in the midst of a legal case.


Cheryl's Practice Website
Schedule Individual Consultation with Cheryl

You can contact Cheryl at [email protected]

Andreana Mabry, LMFT

EMDRIA Approved Consultant

After experiencing EMDR as a powerful tool for clinical outcomes and burnout prevention, I started an exclusively EMDR private practice in 2019, then added intensive offerings in 2021, with the help of Kambria’s ZD resources. I decided to stick around Zero Disturbance because there is SO MUCH MORE to learn, and this is the community I love to learn with.

Clinical creativity, being open to the experience of each session and client and moving at the client's pace are my clinical superpowers. 

In addition to clinical and consultation work, I also run a free newsletter called The Community Mental Health Survival Guide to help frontline therapists and their supervisors manage the pre-licensed and newly-licensed years, recover from, and prevent future burnout.

My focus areas include burnout prevention and recovery, treatment for workaholics, EMDR in community mental health, insurance-based and private-pay concerns, extended resourcing for c-PTSD, attachment and spiritual injuries, client-centered modifications of EMDR, and pacing yourself in business development. I also have a background in addictions, foster youth, and military families.

Andreana's Practice Website
Schedule Individual Consultation with Andreana

You can contact Andreana at [email protected]

Anita Meyer, LICSW

EMDRIA Approved Consultant

Hi! I’m Anita Meyer. I first met Kambria through her You Tube videos at the beginning of the pandemic. I quickly became a self-proclaimed Superfan. Through her kits and then joining the TCP 2022/2023 cohort I have radically transformed my business into something sustainable, enjoyable, and financially rewarding. I am so honored to be part of the TCP faculty!

I have been in the mental health field for over 30 years working with a variety of populations within a broad range of settings. In my practice, I specialize in C-PTSD, attachment issues, dissociation, perinatal trauma and loss and childhood sexual abuse. I have a penchant for helping therapists reduce their anxiety! I love helping people recognize their abilities, blend their intuition and skills with new learning, and transition to providing EMDR with confidence and ease. I also offer an EMDRIA Approved Advanced Training course, Phase Four Follies: Have a plan for anything!

Anita's Practice Website
Schedule Individual Consultation with Anita

You can contact Anita at [email protected]

Andrea Skitch, MSW, RSW

EMDRIA Approved Consultant

Hello! I'm so excited to be with you all in this special container. As a therapist, you have the right to build a business that nurtures you first so you can nurture your clients. Your gifts are special and in great demand in these times. I've been in PP for over 10 years in Toronto, Canada. I live with my partner, Mark and my son, Julian (age 9). I work virtually with my clients, providing EMDR intensives almost exclusively. I'm a newly Approved Consultant and I also provide business coaching and leadership development to therapists in private practice. I love it when therapists support each other! When one of us has a 'win', we all benefit. The energy is infectious and breeds success. I'm both a teacher and a learner. Every day I am discovering new things about myself, and how I want to run my business(es) (which are actually organic, living entities). It's not an easy road because it requires you to constantly release blockages from your field so you can move to the next level. But there's no better feeling that stepping forward and impressing yourself with your own growth! If you're in this group, you're already on track to being a change-maker in the field. I'm so excited to get to know you and be in connection with you. 

I help sensitive creative souls release stuck energy (trauma, chronic pain, etc.) so they can make space to follow their destiny. I am interested in evoking the innate leadership in each of us. I specialize in anxiety, chronic pain, perfectionism, procrastination, relationships, spiritual trauma, parenting and postpartum, death and loss. I am a business coach for therapists in private practice; founder of The Aquarian Academy.

Andrea's Practice Website
Schedule Individual Consultation with Andrea

You can contact Andrea at [email protected]

Linda Standley, LMHC 

EMDRIA Approved Consultant 

Hi! I am a Licensed Mental Health Counselor in private practice with 30 years of experience in trauma work. My practice has evolved from insurance based to a hybrid of predominantly EMDR Intensives and Consultation services. I participated in TCP 2022 where I met other wonderful, creative Lifelong Learners, Seekers and Entrepreneurs who love making an impact on the world with EMDR. The experience was invaluable to such an extent that I rejoined TCP 2023! TCP and ZD continue to be an integral part of my support system and professional growth. As part of the faculty, I am here to support other faculty as well as consultants in and out of the program. I am happy to support, coach and mentor! I specialize in consultation for new and seasoned EMDR clinicians. My special focus is on Relational/ Complex Trauma, especially sexual and domestic violence, Dissociative Disorders. I utilize Standard Protocol, DeTUR, Flash Techniques and Pre-verbal Trauma techniques. 

You can contact Linda at [email protected]