76: Therapy vs. Coaching: What's "Right" at What Time? [Dumb Things Therapists Say Series] brainspotting therapists trauma therapy Jun 25, 2024

Therapists often make an artificial distinction between addressing trauma in therapy and utilizing coaching for personal growth. Making this separation can limit the full potential of therapy and leave clients feeling prematurely "graduated" before they've had a chance to truly thrive.


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75: The 5 Most Useless Diagnoses [Dumb Things Therapists Say Series] therapists Jun 18, 2024

The world of therapy is changing, and it's time to challenge the status quo. And I’m here to share why some of the most common diagnoses in the DSM, such as anxiety, depression, addiction, body dysmorphia, and PTSD, are not only limiting but can actually cause harm to both clients and...

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